6 Professions that will outlive the advent of AI

More than 25 years ago, man predicted that by the end of this century, machines and robots would overtake the world. Humans would dwindle away as their jobs would be taken over by smart machines that could replicate human abilities. Scientists and technicians have worked to create a modern world where humans can do the easiest jobs without lifting a finger. The rise of the machine age and smart tech gave birth to Artificial Intelligence, better known as AI.

The replication of human intelligence functions by machines, particularly computer systems, is known as artificial intelligence. Machines equipped with artificial intelligence are able to mimic or even outperform human brain functions. While there are many different approaches to AI, it is an interdisciplinary discipline, and recent developments in machine learning and deep learning in particular are causing a paradigm change in almost every area of the tech industry.

The 2020s have seen a surge in the use of platforms like ChatGPT- an AI platform, to conquer the easiest and the most challenging language-oriented tasks. Robust AI systems are becoming more prevalent, displaying emotions and defeating armies. AI technology is now part of everyday life, and businesses of all sizes are investing in it.

With this alarming increase in the use of AI across all jobs and platforms, many fear that countless human jobs will be stolen by AI. AI is replacing the majority of human-performed tasks thanks to its flawless automation capabilities. Concern over job security and safety has been escalating over time. However, the rise of AI has also brought forth new employment opportunities and created new, explorable industries. There are also many industries that cannot be fully AI-powered due to the requirement of the human touch. Here are 5 jobs that won’t be lost even if AI takes over.

Computer and Data Scientists/Software Developers

AI is inherently a computer program that needs to be created artificially. For this role, the requirement of software developers and computer scientists is immense. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, data scientist jobs in the U.S. are likely to increase by over 35% from 2021 to 2031. Software developer jobs are likely to increase by 26% by 2031. Both of these comprise core AI job opportunities.

It’s improbable that AI will entirely eclipse human programmers and produce original code. Therefore, jobs in web development and software engineering will be secure for the foreseeable future. But it’s anticipated that AI will fundamentally alter how software engineers and computer scientists do their work.

Jobs requiring emotional intelligence (Nurses, Therapists, Social Workers)

Although AI is growing better at simulating human emotion, it still lacks true understanding and empathy. As a result, it is unlikely that AI will replace occupations requiring strong emotional intelligence, such as therapists, social workers, and nurses.

Mental health is a particularly sensitive subject, even if a lot of facial recognition technology is presently being applied to develop the first AI counseling care and assistance.  However, being a medical professional necessitates the capacity to relate to the patient on a variety of other levels while simultaneously taking a huge number of factors into account. When it comes to assisting people in succeeding in their lives in all that it may entail, a human touch is crucial.

Administrative positions

It is challenging for AI to take over complicated decision-making roles, such as those of public administrators, executives, business owners, and strategists. Managing departments within a nation’s government is a question of leadership, and this is not a set of behaviors that can be coded and processed in a linear fashion. These positions demand in-depth knowledge of subtle variables, long-term planning, and the capacity to deal with uncertainty—areas where AI still lags behind.

Jobs that require interpersonal skills (PR Manager, HR Manager)

While AI may be able to manage certain professions like PR and HR, these fields still need a human element to function well. The main goals of public relations are networking and building relationships. To generate awareness, inspire others to join a campaign, create a buzz, and so on, PR managers must employ the human touch.  

A human resource manager is responsible for hiring new employees, keeping them motivated, and resolving indicators of employee dissatisfaction as soon as they emerge. It is challenging to program a machine with the soft skills needed to identify these elements. At the moment, AI systems can’t emotionally connect with people.

Specialized professions (Doctor, Lawyer, Scientist)

Jobs requiring a high level of specialization, such as those held by scientists, surgeons, and attorneys, are less likely to be completely replaced by AI. While AI can help in certain areas, it is challenging for it to totally replace human expertise due to the depth and breadth of information needed, as well as the demand for critical thought and nuanced understanding. Many factors in these professions depend on the individual expertise and experience of each specialist. Both emotional intelligence and a human touch are necessary for all of these positions.  

For instance, lawyers need a specific set of abilities to be able to negotiate intricate legal systems and present a case in court on behalf of a client. When it comes to weighing all the many factors in a case and making a choice that, in the instance of a judge, might result in years in prison, there is a human element at play. Despite the advances, AI still has no emotional intelligence and no capacity for reason.


The profession of teaching is among the oldest in history, and it will undoubtedly be one of the hardest to destroy. In addition to imparting knowledge, teaching also entails inspiring, motivating, and understanding students. You need to understand students’ worlds, enter them appropriately, and establish an emotional connection with them in order to be an effective teacher. It takes a level of emotional intelligence, adaptability, and human touch that AI cannot yet match. All of these abilities are distinctly human and are not included in AI’s skill set. Jobs growth of 10% is expected in the education industry by 2027, according to surveys for the Future of Jobs Report 2023. This could mean another 3 million jobs in vocational education and higher education.

While AI seems to be a threat to not only modern human potential employment opportunities, this is not necessarily the case. AI was created to simplify complex tasks and make life easier, but its growth may lead to job loss and inhumane working conditions with low compensation. However, the advent of AI will also bring forth a plethora of new jobs in this emerging, potentially high-paying industry. Although there are innumerable ways of misuse and wrongdoings, AI should be seen more as a friend and less as a foe.
